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    3D printing to create a beautiful woman like Scarlett Johansson robot

    release time:2016-04-19  viewed:2070次
    3D print is almost omnipotent, is a personal enthusiast, designer creative artifact. According to Volvo Aurora story, many users use 3D printers to produce stunning boutique. Here is a message on the 3D printing robot.
    From Hong Kong, a product and graphic designer Mr. Ma RickyMa using 3D printing technology to create a Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson with exactly the same as the humanoid robot, round a dream of his childhood. The Scarlett Johnson robot, called Mark1, was 42 years old, and Mr. Ma spent a year and a half in the balcony of his own home. Mr Ma is said to have spent more than $50 thousand on the project. At present, the robot has been completed, Mr. Ma is looking for investors willing to buy it.
    According to Mr. Ma said, Mark1 uses the 3D printing bone, in fact, the body of the 70% are 3D print. Her skin is made of silica gel, and the following is a mechanical and electrical device. Mr. Ma also installed the robot in the face of the motor, so that her eyebrows and eyes around the "muscle" can be moved, relaxed and tension. Therefore, when speaking, Mark1 can produce a convincing expression response through the motor movement, such as the surprise to raise eyebrows and even blinking, etc..
    It is particularly worth mentioning is that Mr. Ma does not have a professional robot or electrical engineering technology background. To this end he is constantly learning from the mistakes in the process, he had burned the motor, but also found that the robot can not maintain a balance. Mr. Ma said that in order to make the robot, he had to work hard to master complex computer programming and electromagnetism technology, printed parts design accurate 3D model is required for each, figure out how to successfully make robot skin and mechanical parts combination, all these are achieved through time-consuming experiments and trial and error.
    Mr. Ma said, because he is a child of the robot affection idea to print a robot 3D. He knew at the beginning that such a robot needs to use its own knowledge of the dynamics, electrical and computer programming and so on, and even a lot of people still laugh at him. However, Mr. Ma said he did not regret it, he said he was just in time to begin to do, and then realize his dream. Now the dream has come true, there is no regret in life.
    3D printing, is helping more people realize their dreams. The Volvo 3D is committed to the full creative printer creator service. For more information, available through the official website for the Volvo aurora.

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